Reseller Hosting

What is Reseller hosting

As most of you will likely already know, reselling is when you take someone else’s product and sell it as your own. By avoiding expensive development and running costs you can make money by...

OpenLiteSpeed Command References for Administration

This administration guide lays down the basic commands for those who wish to control OpenLiteSpeed from the command line.By default, OpenLiteSpeed is installed under /usr/local/lsws/. Control Commands Start OpenLiteSpeed: /usr/local/lsws/bin/lswsctrl start Stop OpenLiteSpeed: /usr/local/lsws/bin/lswsctrl stop Gracefully restart...

First Steps in WHM

How to login to your WHM panel and overview of the tools In order to access your WHM, you need to add /whm after your domain name (provided the domain is pointed to your...

WHM Reseller Tutorial

WHM Reseller Tutorial

Learn how to manage the different cPanel accounts on your server with WHM WHM is short for Web Hosting Manager. It is the administrative part of the cPanel control panel software for managing all aspects...