VPS Hosting

How to install and use TCPdump (capture packets)

Introduction In this tutorial, we’re going to bring you a popular network tool you should know about in order to correctly manage your networks. We are assuming that you have root permission, otherwise, you...

Linux: Restore Package Permissions

Linux: Restore Package Permissions Sometimes it can happen to us that using the chmod or chown commands , we configure wrong permissions and owners on directories and files. If the directories and files affected...

What is Reseller hosting

As most of you will likely already know, reselling is when you take someone else’s product and sell it as your own. By avoiding expensive development and running costs you can make money by...

OpenLiteSpeed Command References for Administration

This administration guide lays down the basic commands for those who wish to control OpenLiteSpeed from the command line.By default, OpenLiteSpeed is installed under /usr/local/lsws/. Control Commands Start OpenLiteSpeed: /usr/local/lsws/bin/lswsctrl start Stop OpenLiteSpeed: /usr/local/lsws/bin/lswsctrl stop Gracefully restart...

CSF Firewall command line

Here you can find useful commands you can use from your terminal.To get the list of all options please use this commands csf –help man csf Configuration location is in the folder /etc/csf/Main configuration...