The Momentum Blog

CSF Firewall command line

Here you can find useful commands you can use from your terminal.To get the list of all options please use this commands csf –help man csf Configuration location is in the folder /etc/csf/Main configuration...

First Steps in WHM

How to login to your WHM panel and overview of the tools In order to access your WHM, you need to add /whm after your domain name (provided the domain is pointed to your...

WHM Reseller Tutorial

WHM Reseller Tutorial

Learn how to manage the different cPanel accounts on your server with WHM WHM is short for Web Hosting Manager. It is the administrative part of the cPanel control panel software for managing all aspects...

How To Clean a Hacked WordPress Website

How To Clean a Hacked WordPress Website

There isn’t really a set process that you can follow to clean up a hacked WordPress website as not all hacks are the same. The good news is that almost all hacks can be...

How To Reduce Wordfence CPU Usage

Wordfence is a very useful WordPress plugin, and is used by a lot of clients to increase the security of their WordPress website. Unfortunately the Wordfence “Live Visitor Tracking” feature can cause CPU usage...